Battles of Constantine Overview

Good day Worthy Knights,

In this part 41, we have an overview to enable us to follow Constantine the Great in his pursuit to take control of the whole Roman Empire, demonstrating among other things, his military strategy knowledge and his courage in battles.                                                                                                (Wikipedia)

Turin                 Summer 312

Verona              Late Summer 312

 Milvian             28 October 312

Cibalae             8 October 314

Mardia               Late 316 / 317

Adrianopolis    3 July 324

Hellespont        324

 Chrysopolis    18 September 324

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Mont Cenis

Constantine emulated Julius Cesar by using Gaul to support his advance on Rome. He also copied Rome’s most famous enemy in the speed of his attack south. Hannibal had demonstrated that an army could cross the Alps at Mont Cenis, swiftly and remain effective. Constantine moved his loyal troops from Gaul over the later imperial roads through the passes and was in Italy before Maxentius could react.

Remembering the ‘quickness’ (celeritas) that had given Rome to Julius Caesar, Constantine moved rapidly towards the capital, with an army barely one-fourth of the size Maxentius had at his own disposal. Constantine defeated a force of heavy cavalry at Turin, near the passes, and destroyed his rival’s northern army at Verona.

The Mont Cenis is a massif and a pass at an altitude of 2083 m in the French Alps. It was the principal route for crossing the Alps between France and Italy until the 19th Century.

It was also used as the main passage by which Charlemagne crossed with his army to invade Lombardy in 773 and Napoleon for his campaign of Italy (1796 – 1797).

Use the following link to see some re-enactment of the legion military exercises. Unfortunately, the commentary is in French which we are sure, will not be a problem….!

South side of Mount Cenis


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The following are some of Legions taking part in the display:

Legion XX        Valeria Victrix               United Kingdom

Legion XI         Victrix                           Germany

Legion VIII       Augusta                        France

Legion X          Gemina                        Holland

Legion XXII     Primigenia                    Germany

All the orders are given in Latin!     Enjoy!